Blue Microphones Snowball iCE manual

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View the manual for the Blue Microphones Snowball iCE here, for free. This manual comes under the category microphones and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 8.9. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Blue Microphones Snowball iCE or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Number of questions: 4 Brian WhiteoakNovember 9, 2020

I lost the accessories for my Blue Snowball mic. Can I get r a replacement usb cable and user manual. Thanks

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Brian WhiteoakNovember 9, 2020

Can I get a replacwment usb cable and user manual for my Blue Snowball mic

Same question Type your response here Add my comment guy HaddadAugust 30, 2023


Same question Type your response here Add my comment Sabrina September 19, 2023

How do I set up my blue snowball microphone

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Blue Microphones Snowball iCE specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Blue Microphones Snowball iCE.

The blue microphones snowball iCE is a table microphone with a cardioid direction type. It has a sample rate of 44.1 kHz and a bit rate of 16 bit, ensuring high-quality audio. The microphone is connected through a wired connectivity technology and does not require any software installation, making it a plug-and-play device. It comes with a cable length of 1.83 meters and a desktop stand, which allows for easy setup and comfort during use. The only cable included in this device is a USB cable, which is used for device interface. The master (outer) case gross weight is 7000 grams, and has a height, length, and width of 290 mm, 535 mm, and 340 mm, respectively. This microphone is ideal for use in home studios, podcasting, and voice-over applications. Its cardioid direction type makes it perfect for capturing sounds in front of the microphone while minimizing background noise. The Snowball iCE microphone is a reliable and sturdy device, featuring high-quality construction materials to ensure durability over time. Its sleek design makes it an attractive addition to any workspace, and its plug-and-play feature makes it easy to use right out of the box. Overall, this microphone is a great option for those looking for a high-quality and user-friendly device at an affordable price.