The Planning Division of the Community Development has initiated two major projects to guide future growth of Westminster.
The 2013 Comprehensive Plan will be updated to improve alignment with current Strategic Plan goals including mobility, housing and sustainability and continue to balance City resources with opportunities for development and redevelopment.
In parallel to this update, the City will form new plans for Parks, Recreation and Libraries; Transportation and Mobility; Sustainability; and Water Supply.
As a companion project to the Comprehensive Plan Update is an additional effort to update the Municipal Code and Design Standards that regulate new development in Westminster with a goal of forming a single “unified” code that incorporates development requirements, the Landscape Ordinance and Design Standards to replace the eight separate regulatory documents currently in use.
For both projects initial contact is underway with community stakeholders and subject matter experts to form a working group to help identify key issues, challenges and opportunities. Subsequent project phases will include engagement with the broader community in various forums including a visual preference survey, design workshop and open house type events.