Science scope and sequence: PK-8
The New York City PK-8 Science Scope and Sequence 2022 is an updated scope and sequence for Science, aligned to the NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards (which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards).
Features of this updated resource include:
- A year-long PK-8 Curricula Implementation Timeline, including alignment to Pre-K for All Interdisciplinary Units of Study.
- Detailed year-long and unit overviews, including the three dimensions of science in the Performance Expectations: Science and Engineering Practices; Disciplinary Core Ideas; and Crosscutting Concepts.
- Alignment to Disciplinary Core Ideas across grade levels; Engineering Design Performance Expectations; the Nature of Science; and Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science.
- Alignment to the Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K–12) published by the North American Association of Environmental Education to support the environmental education of NYC students and to encourage them to find innovative solutions to environmental problems and issues in their communities.
- Alignment of the NYSSLS to the Next Generation Standards in ELA and Mathematics.
- The New York State Education Law, Article 17, Section 809 (Instructions for the Humane Treatment of Animals) and Section 810 (Conservation Day).
- Evidence statements for NYSED-specific Performance Expectations.
- Units for which climate change education can be integrated to deepen the knowledge of students regarding the impact of climate change.
Educational Use:
This resource is also included in these collections:
Scope and sequence: Science
This is a collection of the two science scope and sequence documents. Together, they include descriptions of all of the science units from Pre-K through grade 12 plus all of the Regents science courses.
More Resources like Science scope and sequence: PK-8
Science Digital Learning: Moments in the Lessons
Grades PK - 12
This document defines the different moments of a digital science lesson, details the structure and function of each of the lesson moments, and provides guidance regarding instructional strategies and tools that teachers can use to support effective science instruction in a digital learning environment.